How to extend Spark UI

2 minute read

As you know spark is a framework with lots of unique and developer friendly features, one of them is its UI(Spark UI). It provides variety of information about spark, like currently running jobs, their stages, tasks, memory usage and plenty others.

But if you are developing an application with Spark, at times you would want to show some other details. There is no point to create a separate UI module to show your basic details or metrics.

Spark is already providing you that functionality using which you can add details and visualize metrics within the Spark UI.

Let’s take an example, In which I want to show schema information of my Spark dataframes in Spark UI So in that case you need three things:

  • first is, data object to store the details required to show in UI which can be updated with new information based on the requirement.

      object Utility {
        val allSchema: ConcurrentMap[String, String] = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]()
        implicit class DataFrameSchema[T](df: Dataset[T]) {
          def registerSchema: Dataset[T] = {
              schemas.put(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace.slice(2,4).mkString("\n"), df.schema

    Here allSchema map stores your schema information and regiserSchema function updates schema for it.

  • Second is, to create a class which extends WebUIPage, in which you can write your HTML logic for your visualization

      class DataFrameSchemaUIPage(parent: ExtendedUIServer) extends WebUIPage("") with Logging {
        /** Render the page */
        def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = {
          import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
          val content = <h4>The below table shows registered dataframes on the left, with there schemas on the
              <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed" id="task-summary-table">
                  <tr style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
                    <th width="50%" class="">DataFrame</th>
                    <th width="50%" class="">Schema</th>
                  { =>
                  <tr style="background-color: rgb(249, 249, 249);">
            "This is the extension to Spark UI to display custom information about your application.",
            content, parent)

    This class is having all the logic for rendering your html page.

  • Third is, to attach your page (class which having html logic) with existing spark UI

      class ExtendedUIServer(sparkContext: SparkContext)
        extends SparkUITab(getSparkUI(sparkContext), "dataframeschema")
          with Logging {
        override val name = "Dataframe Schema"
        val parent: SparkUI = getSparkUI(sparkContext)
        attachPage(new DataFrameSchemaUIPage(this))
        def detach() {
      object ExtendedUIServer {
        def getSparkUI(sparkContext: SparkContext): SparkUI = {
          sparkContext.ui.getOrElse {
            throw new SparkException("Parent SparkUI to attach this tab to not found!")

    Here I’m attaching my page using this method call attachPage(new DataFrameSchemaUIPage(this))

So that is it, now you are ready to go and test your custom webpage.

object TestUIExtension {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val spark = ...

    new ExtendedUIServer(spark.sparkContext)

    import spark.implicits._
    import Utility._
    println("First Dataframe")

    import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.count
    Seq(("1", 1)).toDF("id", "count").groupBy("id").agg(count("id") as "count")
    println("Second Dataframe")

    println("Third Dataframe")
    println("Test Done ..")

So as a first step I’ll create an instance of ExtendedUIServer class which will attach and render your page and then later I will call registerSchema which will add schema of the dataframe to UI page.

For full code you can visit my github repo link.

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